Saturday, March 21, 2015

What's in a name, anyway?

If you have been following Looks of Love Photography, then you are possibly wondering why I am changing my business name. To explain why I am switching, I must first explain why I chose the current name, Looks of Love photography, and why it is no longer relevant or representative of who I am, both as a person and as a business.

When I was starting my photography journey several years ago, I had pondered quite some time over what I might name my business. I sent out emails to my wonderful and patient friends and family, listing my ideas and taking to heart all of their input. Looks of Love was born out of the concept that there are many "Looks of Love," throughout a person's lifetime. Whether that is a newly engaged couple, a groom seeing his bride for the first time, a mother holding her newborn baby, or a 25 year anniversary celebration, each of these stages of life bring new and different "looks" of love with them.

At that stage in my business, I wasn't sure what and if I wanted to specialize my photography. The name Looks of Love umbrella'ed all of it, and I was sold! My tagline became, "there are many 'looks of love.' Let me capture yours." At first, I  was really pleased. And while I realized that Looks of Love sounds a lot like "Locks of Love," I reasoned that just meant it was all the more easy to remember and find. Well, if I was going to cover all "looks" of love throughout life, I was going to cover it ALL....

 And then I had my first newborn session. I won't get into details, but lets just say I quickly realized that newborns were not something I wanted to specialize in. Cross that one off the list. I began to see that I wanted to focus on couples; specifically engagements and weddings. So, that is what I started advertising myself as. Along the way, I picked up a few boudoir sessions, and realized that I love doing that too! Anyway, more importantly, I was learning more about myself and how I was coming across to my potential clients, and I realized that who I am is not who I was portraying.

If you know me, then you already know this about me. I am a tomboy. I love to get outside, play in the dirt, explore, adventure! I climb rocks, and go on camping trips, and want to live in a tiny house. I have a sense of wanderlust that only grows with each new adventure. And I want that to be reflected in my brand and in my business. So here I am, this rough and tumble, wild at heart, nature loving gal with a business name that evokes (in my mind) visions of pretty pink hearts and swirlies and glitter and high heels and fancy fancy.

Friends, that is just NOT ME. Don't get me wrong, I like getting dolled up and fancy once in a while, but on the regular, you will find me in jeans, t-shirt, and very little make-up. I love being comfortable!

And so, this year I am getting back to my roots. I am getting back to who I am and what I am passionate about.  I want a brand that is going to accurately reflect me, who I am, and what I stand for. I want to attract those same wild at heart, free in spirit, adventurous in love type of people. And that is exactly what I plan to do!

So, I'm sure you want to know what my new name will be! Well, fret not, that blog post is coming, along with a new everything! In the meantime, the photo below is a little sneak peek into where my heart and head are leading me for this next chapter in my photography business journey.