Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Wintery January Evening

My neighbors. I am slightly in love with their home :-)
Is anyone else as cold as I am?! My little space heater is trying with all its might, and I have a fire going in the fireplace, but I just can't seem to get warm. After the snowfall we had last week, the temps slowly crept their way back up, only to plunge back down again today. Brrr! I have a few exciting events coming up that I will share as they get closer, but in the meantime, grab a mug of some warm tea/coffee and snuggle up under a blanket. If you have a fireplace, be sure to get that going and ENJOY! I know that's what I will be doing! This weekend I am heading down to Charolettesville, VA to do a little site seeing/property scouting/dinner with friends. Pictures of that to come next week! In the meantime, please enjoy a few photos I took during our snowy last Tuesday. I only lasted about ten minutes outside before I was legitimately frozen. I just keep reminding myself that summer is coming! :-)
Our little shed out back

Christmas lights are left up all year long at this house!

Not much going on down my street. Just soltiude, peace, and quiet on a snowy day

Because I would wear RAINboots out in a snowstorm...

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hali + Scott (Pre) Valentines Day Photo Session

What a great day for this! I met this pretty lady at work. Every Wednesday and Thursday, Hali and I get down and dirty in other people's mouths ( its the dental field after all!)  I liked her right off the bat. She is GORGEOUS, but also has a kooky sense of humor and is so down to earth. When I was tossing around the idea of doing a Valentines themed photo session, Hali was all in. I couldn't wait, as I get super excited about photographing people! Her and I even went to the store a couple days before to find Valentines themed props. I love this gal!

We met up at Roosevelt Island, just outside of DC. I had never met Scott before, and when Hali sent me a text telling me they had gotten lost, and blamed it on Australian driving, I just assumed it was a term I was unfamiliar with. Turns out Scott is from Australia! So here I have two people who could seriously be in magazines, and to top it off, one of them has a beautiful Aussie accent. Squee!

It was chilly, but they were both such good sports!We toured a good part of the island, and despite the mud and the cold, we had a great time. Im looking forward to more photo fun with these two in the future. :-)

Friday, January 17, 2014

Oxon Hill Farm Session

I met Beth through a mutual friend, Kristen. Beth is a private music teacher, with her specialty being the french horn. She is starting up her website, and needed photos for it. Kristen piped right up, telling her she had a friend for the job. I met Beth, her husband Richard, and Kristen out at Oxon Hill Farm in MD. We had originally planned on the session being the following weekend, but the weather forecast was predicting mild temps and beautiful days. We had so much fun playing around by the old barns, petting the horses, being hissed at by the grouchy goose, and exploring the steps of the old plantation house. Richard was such a kind help, carrying 3 women's purses and various other bags around. Thank you Richard!  It was a lovely day with lovely people. Enjoy!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Home for Christmas

The Christmas season is always a special time for me. Even more so, now that I live half way across the country. This is my one time each year that I know I will have some quality time with my family, and a chance to catch up to a few close friends who still live in the Chicagoland area. One of these close friends is Tiffany, whom I have known since freshman year of high school. She now has a beautiful daughter, who keeps her plenty busy. But we always find time to get together to catch up over coffee and (now) Dora the Explorer. Tiffany is also into photography, specializing in children portraits! She has a whole bunch of fun back drops to play with, so we set up right in her kitchen, with her little girl our star attraction. Afterwards, we headed outdoors to capture a few touching and loving moments out in the snow. Enjoy!