Saturday, March 15, 2014

Mentoring session in California

I decided to break up my trip to Cali into two parts: Day 1 and Day 2. Original, I know. Any who, I decided that I wanted to attend a workshop, or get some one on one mentoring from a photographer in the business, who's work I really admire. Enter Liesl. I met this pretty lady back in 2010, when my boyfriend at the time and I decided to meet some mutual friends of mine out in Red Rocks, NV for a getaway climbing trip. We all rented a home together on the outskirts of Las Vegas, and had a fantastic time climbing.

 What has really struck me about Liesl's work was her use of light and color. She seriously blew me away. So when I contacted her to see if she offered any personal sessions, I was so excited that she was all on board! While she has led group workshops, this was her first one-on-one mentoring session, so there was a learning curve in there for everyone! She was kind enough to let me into her home and spend the next several days with her and her family. Photos of them are coming in the next post. What a FUN family!

Let me just say that nothing is as intimidating as photographing a photographer! But, that's exactly what I did, and I learned so much about lighting, color composition, framing a photo, OCF (off camera flash) as well as learning to BREATHE and stay confident and relaxed!. These photos below were from my first day, where we wandered around Redondo beach, and really focused on natural lighting (did I mention that we were only a block from the water?!) Enjoy! Part 2 coming soon

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